A Welcome Love

Scripture Reading:  2 Thessalonians 2:10

…They will perish because they did not welcome and love the truth so as to be saved. (TEV)

Paul is writing to the Thessalonian church for the second time at this point in Scripture.  Thessalonica was a port town, sitting on the edge of the water.  This particular section of Scripture is Paul’s description that this church was chosen for salvation (from the Ancient Greek Translation).  This portion, though, describes what will happen to someone who does not believe or someone who believes an anti-Christ.

I do not think that Paul is referring to the great anti-Christ who will deceive the whole earth, but I think that even in our time we have seen people who become so lifted up on a pedestal by their followers or congregations, that the meaning of Christianity, following Christ, and taking the Bible seriously, but not literally.  The church and the minister eventually fall.  It seems that the whole world is looking for one great savior to come and rescue them from all of the troubles in their lives.

The reality is that people must welcome and love the truth, as Paul states.  Jesus said that the truth will set us free.  There is no past tense, but infers that the love of God has always been there, the truth has been around for eons and ages, and will continue to work.  We will find that truth by welcoming it, and then loving that truth.  And, that truth is Jesus Christ, who is the way to salvation, the one who has called us.

I am an Internet shopper, I must confess.  I do not like walking for miles in stores looking for something.  For me, it is much easier to just search for an item, order it, and then wait the few days for it to come.  I welcome the mail, excited to get what I have ordered so that I can unpack it and put it on display or begin to use it or wear it.

Our excitement for what Jesus has for us daily should be a greater anticipation than just mail or whatever that anticipation in your life is.  Ask God when you first rise out of bed that you will be willing to wait with excitement, anticipation, and welcome.  When God gives that to you, you then will love what God has revealed, illuminated, or told you.  For God is still speaking in that still, small voice that requires us to be extremely intent on hearing.  What is your desire or dream that you welcome from God today?  When you receive it will you also love the gifts, talents, and abilities that God has given you?  For then, you will know that Jesus Christ’s grace and gift of himself to you has become your life.

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